Hey Guys,
I haven't posted on my blog in a while so I thought I would kick things back off with a good post. Fellow prostaffer Chuck Parr and I drove down to meet up with one of my good friends John Mcnamera to hunt with him on one of his fields he had been scouting. I had talked to him the past 2 days to set this hunt up and on friday we had seen about 100-150 honkers in the field we were going to hunt. On Saturday he had seen about 100 more feeding thru the field so the hunt was on!!! Chuck and I made our way down to the John's house so we could drive over to the field. When we passed the field on the way there, there was alredy about 15 geese on it feeding thru. In the mater of 5 minuets there was 40 geese in the field alredy, so we had to spook them out and set up quick! We spooked them out and set up the blinds and decoys quick, we had about 15 Greenhead Gear full bodies and some Avery and Final Approach layout blinds and we were set. Chuck and John set out the decoys while I went to a small area with brush and picked some weeds to help hide the blinds. We put the finishing touch on all 3 blinds and we were ready! This was the relaxing part of field hunting, laying down and small talking with each other and BOOM! 45 minuets later we had our first group of geese working the field, It was a group of 5 birds and John and I started calling. We only did a few moans and I did a small murmur to keep them commited to finishing. John said "There eatin' us up, you guys ready?" Chuck and I replied " Yea call it" John Yelled "Take Em!!!" Chuck pulled up and shot first and missed his and then nailed him on the second shot! John shot 3 shots and missed all 3. I pulled up and click! Safety was on! But I got one shot as they were flaring out but I missed, Chuck was halfway to his limit. About 15 minuets later we had a group of about 4 come in, we worked them to the decoys and we all shot 3 shots and John droped one and Chuck and I missed!!! Figures! happens all the time. About 5 minuets later we had another decent group come in we worked them to the decoys but wanted to land on the right side of the kill zone. I did a fast agressive murmur and that made them bust right over to the kill hole. 4 shots and 4 geese fell! Chuck got his last and John did also and I got My 2, very good hunt and one of the fastest hunt I have ever been on!
It feels awesome to limit out for once!!! Thanks John for putting up with us and helping us out!