Took of at dark-o-thiry to go to a local lake for the duck opener. Staffer's Kevin Hutchings, and Randy Duncan tagged along and also my buddy Logen Romain. We launched the boat after a short ride to the launch and putted across the lake and set the spread. Not to many decoys but enough to make an X for them to land on. Now the waiting game, 2 1/2 hours of nothing but talking and dozing off. Then came 7:08 AM, shots rang out all over as we loaded our guns and kept an eye out. Not much shooting on our lake for about 10 minuets and then the group behind us poped a few shots off and ducks buzzed the edge of our spread and landed. We all jumped up and Logen shot at one as it jumped off the water, nothing... we all looked at eachother as we scratched our heads. Laughing it off as they flew off into the foggy horizon. The rest of the morning was nothing but high flyers and birds way off on the other end of the lake. Shots rang out every now and then but not many to close to us. We decided to call it a morning at 11 AM and pack up the decoys and the gear. As it always happens to us as were picking up... birds. But we have learned from our past mistakes and decide to keep our guns by us and loaded while we are wading picking up our decoys. My buddy Logen raised up and BAM! The goose started to shake and I shot once, nothing. Then Logen pumped another shot into it on its decent as it was gliding further away and hit it and it fell to the water. Logen was yelling and screaming being it was his first goose we were all excited for him. Him and I jumped in the boat and retrieved his goose, his smile was from ear to ear! We went back to the blind and loaded up with gear and flew back to the boat launch and dropped some gear off and got the truck. I flew back over to the blind to pick up Randy and Kevin to bring them back to the launch. All in all a great morning to be out! Little warm weather for an opener but take it or leave it. Here are some photos from the 2010 Duck Opener:

I love the new format. Your pictures are great.
Keep up the good work.
John F.
Hartshorn, Mo (formally of Northfield, MN)
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